Category: Information architecture
UX radio: Where did IA go?

UX radio: Where did IA go?

In this episode, we talk to Donna Spencer to answer the question, “Where did IA (Information Architecture) go?” We talk about defining IA, is IA still relevant, the importance of understanding and representing the abstraction layer, and how to present design. Donna is...

Best of…information architecture

(note - this is a work in progress) Content modelling In government, content modelling always needs content design, Angus Gordon, Gather Content Your company's next top model: Your ontology, Ahren Lehnert, Synaptica Knowledge graphs Knowledge graphs - 10 week course...

The ultimate IA reading list

Within the UX industry, there are myriad terms and concepts you’ll need to understand in order to get your job done. One of the most common you’ll come across is information architecture (IA). What is it? How do you find it? How do you research it? And how do you...

The FAQ of IA

The FAQ of IA

In this presentation, Donna will talk about the questions that she's been asked over and over again in her 15 years of information architecture work. And she won’t only talk about the questions...she'll answer them too! Information architecture work is full of...

How to Conduct A Content Audit

If you’re working on any kind of redesign project involving a large amount of content, such as that of a website, intranet or mobile site, one of the first tasks you’ll need to perform is a content audit. I say need, not want—a content audit isn’t something you’re...

The materials of design

The materials of design

There are a wide range of design disciplines, all with surprising similarity in how they are practiced. But with such similarity, why is it almost impossible for us to move from one to another - why can't a digital designer move to architecture or a print designer to...

IA workshop at IA Summit 2013

I just found out that I'll be teaching my 'Intro to IA' workshop at the 2013 Information Architecture Summit. I've been teaching this workshop for a very long time now (maybe 12 years…) and at the IA Summit since 2005. So this...

Information architecture patterns

Information architecture patterns

This presentation will describe a wide range of commonly-used information architecture patterns, including hierarchies small and large, different types of database structure, hypertext, subsite models, sites with multiple entry points and ways of combining these (and more that I discover before April).

Information architecture

Information architecture is all about organising information and providing methods for people to find and use it, usually via navigation. It relates primarily to websites, web applications, intranets, file and document management systems. The workshop This full day...

Information architecture

Information architecture is all about organising information and providing methods for people to find and use it, usually via navigation. It relates primarily to websites, web applications, intranets, file and document management systems. The workshop This full day...

Information architecture

Information architecture is all about organising information and providing methods for people to find and use it, usually via navigation. It relates primarily to websites, web applications, intranets, file and document management systems. The workshop This full day...

Information architecture

Information architecture is all about organising information and providing methods for people to find and use it, usually via navigation. It relates primarily to websites, web applications, intranets, file and document management systems. The workshop This full day...

How I Draft an Information Architecture

How I Draft an Information Architecture

  When I teach information architecture, the most common questions aren’t about the principles, but about the process. Just how do you decide on a particular method, how do you choose categories, how do you know what you’ve come up with is right? As a teacher...

Information architecture: Theory & practice

This full day workshop will provide you with a thorough overview and understanding of information architecture theory & practice. It will cover a range of IA issues, including an understanding of how it fits into a project, fundamental skills & knowledge required for information architecture work and current information architecture issues.

Information architecture: Theory & practice

This full day workshop will provide you with a thorough overview and understanding of information architecture theory & practice. It will cover a range of IA issues, including an understanding of how it fits into a project, fundamental skills & knowledge required for information architecture work and current information architecture issues.

Information architecture: Theory and practice

This IA Summit workshop will provide you with a thorough overview and understanding of information architecture theory & practice. It will cover a wide range of IA issues, including an understanding of how it fits into a project, fundamental skills & knowledge required for IA work and current IA issues. It will be theoretical and practical and allow you to immediately apply ideas to your projects.

Wireframes for the Wicked

In this panel, three experienced designers will share their tried and true tips for making wireframes really work. We’ll talk about how to sketch a wireframe on the fly to demonstrate an idea and how to create a standalone wireframe deliverable; when to show a concept and when to describe nitty-gritty detail; how to make a narrative wireframe and how to make a specification wireframe

Information architecture: Beyond the hierarchy

n this presentation we’ll discuss when hierarchies are most useful and when an alternative approach is better. We’ll look at deliberate approaches such as metadata-driven databases and faceted classifications; and emergent approaches such as organic structures and tagging. We’ll examine good examples of each and learn what to consider for our own projects.

Ethical issues and information architecture

Ethical issues and information architecture

This presentation examines some of the ethical issues that we face as information architects, including:

  • The myriad of effects of our design decisions on users
  • Working with clients and peers
  • The consequences of creating categories and classifying objects
  • What inclusive design really means
  • Personal beliefs and their role in projects
  • How can we design for sustainability

Information architecture: Theory and practice

This full day workshop provides a thorough overview and understanding of information architecture theory & practice. It covers a wide range of information architecture issues, including an understanding of how it fits into a project, fundamental skills & knowledge required for information architecture work and current information architecture issues. It is theoretical and practical and allow you to immediately apply ideas to your projects.

Information architecture: Beyond the hierarchy

This presentation describes different structures available for information architecture. It examines hierarchies; database structures such as metadata-driven databases and faceted classifications; and emergent approaches such as organic structures and tagging. It examines good examples of each and what to consider for our own projects.

How to (un)organise just about anything

In this half-day worskhop we will learn all about organising content in a digital world. We’ll discuss:

  • How does classification and categorisation work in our brain, and why does it matter
  • How can you identify potential organisation methods for your content
  • When do organisation schemes such as geography, task, audience and subject work best
  • When to use and not to use tagging
  • How to design an organisation scheme that suits your users

Introduction to IA

This half-day pre-conference workshop will provide participants with an introduction to information architecture. As a stand-alone workshop it provides a high level understanding of information architecture, outlining the fundamentals and some of the current...

Taking a content inventory

(this article was originally published on my blog, in 2006. I've re-published it here as there are still a lot of links to it) Taking a content inventory I’ve spent much of the past 2 weeks working on a content inventory. As a technique, it is pretty straightforward...

Introduction to IA

This half-day pre-conference workshop will provide participants with an introduction to information architecture. As a stand-alone workshop it provides a high level understanding of information architecture, outlining the fundamentals and some of the current information architecture issues and challenges.

Deconstructing design: How did we get from there to here

In this presentation, I showed a number of completed site designs that I had been involved in. For each ‘deconstructed’ each design – pulled it apart to show how various inputs (such as research, activities, politics, guidelines, previous experiences) informed the design. The presentation highlighted that each design element is informed by more than one input; and that each input contributed to more than one part of the design. It also showed how important it is to undertake a range of research activities and not rely on just one or two inputs.

Card sorting – A definitive guide

Card sorting is a technique that many information architects (and related professionals.) use as an input to the structure of a site or product. This article provides a detailed description of the basic technique, with some focus on using the technique for more...

Introduction to IA

This half day workshop provides a great introduction to information architecture. You will learn the fundamental principles of information architecture, as well as practical techniques that can be used on a wide range of projects.