Introduction to information architecture

Taught at: UX Australia 2016
Workshop date: August 24, 2016
This full day workshop is the ideal introduction to information architecture. Suitable for brand newbies, to those with some IA or UX experience, it covers core concepts and practices that are fundamental to any kind of information architecture work. The theories and concepts the workshop will cover:
  • categorisation theory and how categories work in our brains
  • types of classification and when they work or don’t
  • content modelling
  • IA design patterns
The work practices it will include are:
  • taking an inventory of your content
  • analysing content and learning how different types of content relate to each other
  • understanding users and incorporating user research findings in the IA
  • card sorting
  • actually drafting an information architecture
  • testing an IA and labelling
This workshop is technology-neutral. The concepts are applicable to large screen, small screen and everything in between. They aren’t just about websites, but anything that involves content, categorisation, labelling and structure – this might be your knowledge management system, e-commerce back end or paper-based work instructions.

Session Takeaways

  • A good understanding of IA concepts
  • A good understanding of activities in an IA-focused project
  • A ton of tips based on real-world, complex examples