Information architecture.
User experience design.
Teaching and writing.
Maadmob is a small Australian freelance/consulting design studio, run by Donna Spencer, specialising in information architecture, service design, product design and user experience design.
I have well over 20 years professional experience designing complex systems and services for a large range of clients across many industries. I am a regular speaker at a wide range of local and international conferences. I have written 4 books – on information architecture, presenting design, card sorting and web writing – and many articles.
I live in Melbourne, Australia, and can work interstate, and internationally (remotely, or in short blocks), and locally.
I have recently joined MakerX as a Principal Product Designer and am loving it. I’m still available for teaching and workshop facilitation work. Check out my now page for what I’m thinking about and working on.

Designing for web 3
As more companies look at opportunities to use web3 to achieve business goals, designers will increasingly need to understand how to design for it. Of course, web3 isn't just one thing - you might need to design for the metaverse, finance applications, NFT projects...
How to design navigation for large and small screens
I recently completed a set of instructional videos for Balsamiq for a free course called How to design navigation for large and small screens. The set of 8 videos cover: horizontal and vertical menu bars, tabs, dropdowns, buttons, mega-menus, links, carousels, cards,...
Free book: A practical guide to information architecture
With my distributor decommissioning my book with no notice, I am in the position where I need to scramble to figure out how to keep the book available. Until then, you may have it for free (PDF version only): Free book: A practical guide to information architecture