Journey maps usually describe a person undertaking a set of tasks with a product. Content strategists and information architects work less with tasks and more with research and learning. In this session, we'll talk about what...
How to Conduct A Content Audit
If you’re working on any kind of redesign project involving a large amount of content, such as that of a website, intranet or mobile site, one of the first tasks you’ll need to perform is a content audit. I say need, not want—a content audit isn’t something you’re...
7 reasons for crappy web content
We’ve been thinking a bit about content recently, so in a casual email to Donna Spencer, we asked her… “So why do people end up with crappy web content?” This is her most excellent response. Of course, this is easy for her given that she teaches web writing and wrote...
Keeping your content alive from cradle to grave
By now we all know that the web is not a publication — that it’s a living, evolving thing. But a lot of content I see still appears to be ‘published’ once and then left alone.
This talk is about what happens after content is published.
Getting content right
Web content can be vibrant, interesting and fun. It can draw you in, fill your head and make you learn without having to think. And it’s not really hard to write. This presentation covers three simple tricks to make your web content great.
Web and content strategy
Web strategy, content strategy and writing for the web.
Getting content right
Web content can be vibrant, interesting and fun. It can draw you in, fill your head and make you learn without having to think. And it’s not really hard to write. Three simple tricks can turn poor content into a great experience – remember that readers care more about themselves than you; write in real words with authentic voice; play show and tell.
Doing a great job on the web
This is a talk I gave at Murdoch Uni. I wasn’t sure what to call it, but it basically covers principles of good website work – user research, good IA, great content, setting priorities and maintaining good work
Writing for the web
This workshop provides attendees with a thorough understanding and practical experience in:
- translating offline content to high quality website content
- writing good website content
- general writing skills