My new book: Presenting design work is now available!
About the book
Do you love doing design work, but dread the inevitable design reviews that follow? Dread no more! Here is the blueprint for a winning design presentation—one that conveys confidence, communicates your vision, and nets you frustration-free feedback you can actually use. With real-world expertise, Presenting Design Work will reshape how you share your work with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders, for better project results every time.
It’s practical. It’s short. You can literally read it, follow it and immediately get better feedback from clients.
When presentations go wrong
Why present design work?
- Presenting isn’t about you
- Types of presentations
- Present early and often
The audience
- Plan for your audience
- Prepare the audience
The presentation
- Explain the problem you’re solving
- Start with the end result
- Show a person doing a thing
- Don’t use jargon
Presentation logistics
- Planning what to present
- Planning the presentation format
- Getting support: Delegation and note taking
- Rehearsing
- Managing the room
- A simple feedback structure
- Collecting feedback
- Making decisions
- Communicate it back