A practical guide to information architecture (2nd edition)

Free for a short time!
My distributor decommissioned the book with no notice. While I scramble to get a new version online, you can download the current version free (PDF format only): A practical guide to information architecture (PDF, 7.2MB)
This book is a very practical guide to information architecture and navigation design, for website and intranet design and redesign projects. If you’re a website designer or intranet manager and don’t have a lot of Information Architecture experience, this book will help you feel more confident about your process and decisions.
The 2nd edition of this book has been re-published by UX Mastery, with only minor changes to illustrations. None of the content was updated.
Table of contents
- Part 1: About information architecture
- What is information architecture?
- IA in a project
- Who does IA ?
- IA for non web
- Before you start
- Part 2: Understanding people
- Learning about your users
- Analysing user research
- Communicating about users
- How people look for info
- How people think about categories
- Part 3:Understanding content
- Content you have
- Content you need
- Communicating about content
- Content planning
- Classification schemes
- Part 4: Designing an information architecture
- IApatterns
- Labels and language
- Howto create IA
- Testing IA
- Communicating IA
- Part 5: Designing navigation
- Navigation core
- Navigation extras
- Designing navigation
- Testing navigation
- Communicating navigation